Recommended Indigenous Trees Feature: Eastern Redbud


The second in our series of trees we recommend for use in local landscaping is the beautiful Eastern Redbud!  The experts at Knutsen Landscaping have compiled a list of trees indigenous to our region in Pennsylvania.

Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis

  • Appalachian redbud is a cultivar of eastern—have a darker pink color to flowers
  • In the summer, heart-shaped leaves stay green and won’t turn yellow until fall
  • Cultivar species do not produce seed pods—only wild species
  • Known as the ‘Harbinger of Spring’ as it’s bright colored blooms signal the start of the season.
  • 22 types of redbud species throughout the world
  • Some cultivars have different colored flowers (white, pinks, purples), while others have variated foliage colors (white variegated, green, yellow, orange, red, purple). The covey cultivar has weeping branches.
  • Cultivars include: Appalachian, Forest Pansy, Ruby Falls, Hearts of Gold.