For many people, working in the yard is an enjoyable and relaxing way to make the most of your property and lovely weather. But there comes a point – especially as we grow older – where lawn maintenance becomes too much. You won’t always be able or willing to spend an entire Saturday weeding your property, for example! Here are five tips for reducing or eliminating some of the basic lawn work:
Many people cut their grass too short, which weakens it and allows more weeds to grow. It also means you’re mowing more than you have to. Each type of grass has an ideal mowing height, so call Knutsen Landscaping to inquire about your specific grass. Generally, it ranges from 1 ½ to 2 ½ inches.
Mulch trees
Trimming around trees it not only time consuming, but you can also easily nick the bark, which can fatally damage young trees. You can avoid trimming around your trees by applying a 2- to 4-inch deep ring of mulch around trees and shrubs. (If your soil doesn’t drain well, you probably want it no more than 2 inches deep.) Be careful to keep the mulch about 3 inches away from the trunk itself to prevent disease, root suffocation and other problems.
Fertilize just in the fall
Skip spring fertilizing and do it only in the fall. It will provide nutrients for fall root growth and a shot of energy the following spring. Knutsen Landscaping can recommend the best fertilizer for your type of grass and soil conditions. Apply the fertilizer about three weeks before the last mowing of the season. This provides energy and nutrients for the grass roots as they multiply in the cooler fall weather while also giving them a head start the following spring.
Build paths that you can mow over
Stone or paver paths that follow the topography of your yard can let you mow without additional trimming. Paths conforming to your landscape require less upkeep than the more formal paths that include steps, walls and curbs. The key is to set the stones or pavers no higher than an inch above ground level. Then you can mow right over them and skip the extra trimming. Not only are these easy to maintain, they are can also be very affordable paths.
Install mowing borders
Keep grass from growing along flower beds, walls, fences and other obstacles where your mower can’t easily reach by installing a mowing border. This will allow you to run your mowers over them to cut your grass without the need for separate trimming. If you set the border an inch above the ground and make it 4 inches deep, you will prevent grass from creeping over and through it.
These are just a few tips that can relieve the amount of work required to maintain your yard. Contact Knutsen Landscaping for more ways to cut down on the work and free yourself up for a simpler maintenance routine of your property!